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 Licensed Indices - MSCI Russia
 Closing Index  Constituents & Weights  Sector Weights  

Constituents and Weights for Monday, May 09 2011 - Download 

MSCI Code Security Name Price Currency Shares FIF Adjusted Weight% Price Adj. Factor Price Adj. Factor Description FX Rate Country Reuters Code (RIC) Currency Next Day
1884205GAZPROM (RUB)211.68000RUB10,653,080,805.0029.421.000000 27.639000RUGAZP.MMRUB
1874804LUKOIL HOLDING(RUB)1863.50000RUB467,809,790.2511.371.000000 27.639000RULKOH.MMRUB
1896804SBERBANK RUSSIA COM(RUB)98.20000RUB8,634,779,200.0011.061.000000 27.639000RUSBER03.MMRUB
2491705NORILSK NICKEL MMC(RUB)7228.00000RUB66,719,711.456.291.000000 27.639000RUGMKN.MMRUB
3481902ROSNEFT (RUB)235.73000RUB1,589,726,672.554.891.000000 27.639000RUROSN.MMRUB
3241302NOVATEK GDR (USD)138.00000USD91,089,180.004.531.000000 1.000000RUNVTKq.LUSD
2375301MOBILE TELESYS ADR (USD)19.95000USD516,347,692.503.711.000000 1.000000RUMBT.NUSD
2056003TATNEFT COMMON (RUB)174.22000RUB1,416,149, 27.639000RUTATN3.MMRUB
3692203VTB BANK(RUB)0.08700RUB2,615,135,334,334.502.971.000000 27.639000RUVTBR.MMRUB
1885706SURGUTNEFTEGAZ COMN(RUB)27.80000RUB7,145,198,941.002.591.000000 27.639000RUSNGS.MMRUB
6071002MAGNIT GDR27.55000USD222,437,682.502.211.000000 1.000000RUMGNTq.LUSD
3826302URALKALI COMMON (RUB)215.54000RUB743,536,500.002.091.000000 27.639000RUURKA.MMRUB
6086401RUSHYDRO (RUB)1.38230RUB115,478,172,320.802.081.000000 27.639000RUHYDR.MMRUB
6120301FEDERAL GRID UES (RUB)0.37102RUB308,390,333,388.001.491.000000 27.639000RUFEES.MMRUB
1885703SURGUTNEFTEGAZ PREF(RUB)15.95000RUB6,931,798,411.501.441.000000 27.639000RUSNGS_p.MMRUB
3025001MECHEL ADR (USD)26.19000USD145,694,760.751.381.000000 1.000000RUMTL.NUSD
2517402SEVERSTAL (RUB)479.60000RUB201,540, 27.639000RUCHMF.MMRUB
3099802NOVOLIPETSK STEEL GDR37.53000USD89,898,408.601.221.000000 1.000000RUNLMKq.LUSD
3412502POLYUS GOLD (RUB)1859.80000RUB47,656,936.751.161.000000 27.639000RUPLZL.MMRUB
3058501AFK SISTEMA GDR (USD)26.50000USD96,500,000.000.921.000000 1.000000RUSSAq.LUSD
1896803SBERBANK RUSSIA PREF(RUB67.86000RUB1,000,000,000.000.891.000000 27.639000RUSBER03_p.MMRUB
2788702TRANSNEFT PREF (RUB)38960.00000RUB1,554,875.000.791.000000 27.639000RUTRNF_p.MMRUB
2511201WIMM-BILL-DANN ADR (USD)34.33000USD61,600,000.000.761.000000 1.000000RUWBD.NUSD
3672103POLYMETAL (RUB)483.10000RUB99,843,750.000.631.000000 27.639000RUPMTL.MMRUB
3662701OGK-4 (RUB)2.27090RUB15,762,176,536.250.471.000000 27.639000RUOGK4.MMRUB
6187102INTER RAO EES(RUB)0.03615RUB867,908,211,068.700.411.000000 27.639000RUIUES.MMRUB
3584002TMK GDR18.36000USD58,599,131.000.391.000000 1.000000RUTRMKq.LUSD
3587702RASPADSKAYA MINE (RUB)170.01000RUB156,159,961.600.351.000000 27.639000RURASP.MMRUB

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